Monday, January 9, 2012

Single in Christ- A message from John Piper

In the middle of a series on marriage, John Piper took a Sunday to give a Biblical theology of singleness. I've read/heard dozens of theologies of marriage, but this was a first.

I almost didn't listen, because I didn't want to hear about how "God loves singles too, and you never know if/when you'll get married." I also didn't want to hear a married person tell me how great I have it being single.
HOWEVER, I did listen, and was blessed. Piper didn't push people toward or away from singleness. He simply presented a Biblical theology of how God views and uses singles. He set up a case for the supremacy of Faith and Regeneration over Marriage and Reproduction.
Whether you're single for a season or for your lifetime, (or if you know, love and minister to singles), I encourage you to give this a listen. Personally, I was challenged to embrace the ministry and calling I have TODAY, even while praying toward a ministry through marriage in the future.

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