Thursday, November 8, 2012

"How Many Times Do I Have to Tell You??"

If you are a parent, or even a big sister/brother, aunt/uncle, nanny, or anyone who has cared for children for any period of time, you've probably found yourself repeating yourself over and over and over and over and over again. I remember my Mom saying to us when we were kids, "How many times do I have to tell you...???" I'm sure I've said the same thing to my little brothers and lots of other kids in my care of the years.

I now see that this experience is a tiny glimpse at how God deals with us EVERY DAY. Have you noticed how many times God says, for example, "I am the LORD your God."? It's not because He was using filler words, running out of things to say or likes to hear Himself speak. It's because WE FORGET so quickly. His children have to be told over and over and over and over again. And He patiently reminds us (rather than consuming us! What mercy!)

What I take from this is firstly, a greater awareness of my frailty and constant dependence on my gracious and patient Heavenly Father. And secondly, more patience with the kiddos in my life. They are just starting this journey of learning to listen and obey. May I extend to them and to others what grace has been extended to me.

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